Saturday, January 21, 2023

What are some meaningful quotes about endings?

Endings can be difficult to deal with, especially when it comes to saying goodbye to a person or a moment. This can leave us feeling quite sorrowful, which is why it can be helpful to turn to meaningful quotes about endings for the comfort and wisdom they provide.

Here are some of the most meaningful quotes about endings:

1. "Someday everything will make perfect sense. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason." - Unknown

2. "All things must pass, nothing lasts forever." - Unknown

3. "It's okay if it's meant to be over. Everything has an ending, and that's okay." – Unknown

4. "Endings are an essential part of life and growth; they allow you the opportunity to start fresh and look towards the future." - Karen Salmansohn

5. "Some paths have endings while others have beginnings; but all paths have lessons that we learn from walking them" –Unknown

6."Whenever a chapter ends in our life, another one begins." - Unknown

7. "Every end is just a new beginning." –Unknown

8. "The beauty of life is in its changes; embrace them joyfully as part of your journey" –Deepak Chopra

9."There are no sad goodbyes, just see you soon agains in another place of time or space"– Unknown

10. "Out of every ending comes something new that was waiting on the other side" –Anonymous

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